Friday, May 25, 2012

Notebook 11 and Voki's

Notebook 11 is reshaping how we use our SMARTboards and I'm positive that everyone will love the changes.  One of the best things is the ability to embed web pages right onto a notebook page.  Voki's are an example of one of the many things you can embed.  Voki's are a type of widget - an avatar that you create that can have text to speech added to it or you can record your own voice.  Imagine a student listening to an avatar giving directions for the activity on your notebook page or a student recording themselves reading a story they wrote.  You will need Notebook 11 for this to work.

Step 1 - go to and create an avatar (This is free!).  After you add the voice and click save - you will see the code
Step 2 - open another browser window and go to the SMART Exchange and download an avatar
Step 3 - Notebook 11 will open and your voki widget will be on a notebook page ready for you to paste your voki's code into the space for the code in notebook
Step 4 - Move your voki with code into "my content" so you can use it over and over again

Need additional help?  Here is a easy to follow video with the instructions - the video shows the voki going into my content by itself.  When I tried this, the voki went onto the notebook page and I had to move it into my content.

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