Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Transparent Layer

Transparent Layer is by far one of the coolest new tools in 10.6 notebook. It has many possibilities and since it is a new function new things are thought of every day. Check out SMART's video showcasing things that you can do in the transparent layer.

A shout out to JoLynn Plato for sharing the link with me. Youtube and teachertube both have many videos that help you find your way with your SMART board. Check them out!

Crayon Physics

In my classroom, this was the most requested game for students to play with on the SMART board. Students use their finger to create shapes that instantly become two dimensional. Problem solving is needed as they venture on to harder puzzles. Check out the demo and get into the action. The demo may be all that you need!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

SMART Speller & Number Cruncher

Many people are not aware of two FREE software programs that can be used with their SMART boards. SMART Speller is a spelling program that is easily used with your own spelling words (you upload them and then have to attach the sound of your voice saying the word) or one of the hundreds of lists already provided. Number Cruncher is a math program that allows students to do addition, subtraction, multiplication or division with the board. Both software programs are easy to use and quick downloads. Both programs will only work on a computer hooked up to a board and is meant to be used with pens from the pen tray. The spelling software is appropriate for anyone who teaches spelling since you can upload your own lists (K-6 lists available). The math software allows you to do single digit addition up to division of decimals so is best for grades K-8.

SMART Speller

Number Cruncher

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Keyboard Shortcuts in Notebook

When creating notebooks with a keyboard, it is often faster to use keyboard shortcuts rather than clicking on an object, selecting the pull down menu and then choosing the function.

Try these instead:

Ctrl+G - Group objects
Ctrl+R - Ungroup objects
Ctrl+K - Lock anobject
Ctrl+J - Unlock an object
Ctrl+D - Clone and object
Ctrl+M - Insert blank page
Ctrl+PgDn - send object backwards
Ctrl+PgUp - Bring object forward
Ctrl+Shift+PgDn - Send object to back
Ctrl+Shift+PgUp - Send object to front

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Double Tap

I had to share this as soon as I saw it in action on teacher tube.

I wasn't aware that this could be done and am anxious to be with a board to try it out. The video shows it in action, but basically if you have an object in one place and want to move it to another without doing a click and drag you touch the object and touch the place you want it to go and the piece moves half way (this occurs whenever you touch the board in two places at one time). You then lift up your initial contact and the object moves to where you want the object to go. This could be a full "trick" to show your students.

Transparency Layer & Response software

One of the best things about the new transparency layer in notebook is the ability to quickly create assessments for your Response clickers. There are several web sites that offer multiple choice questions that work seamlessly with your curriculum. When you have the site open, and are in notebook software you can overlay the question options (A, B, C, D etc.) onto the website. Simply go to the response tab and click on "add a question." Click through the question and answer choices and you will just have the letters in your working area. Be sure to select the correct choice. Click on the transparency layer icon on the toolbar and your letters can be seen on top of the website. Move the letters into the appropriate place. You now have an instant question that didn't need to be typed into notebook. This can also be done quickly and easily by taking a screen capture of the website and entering the correct choice into the software.

Formative on-going assessment is necessary for data driven instruction, and SMART notebook and response software makes it easy. Feel free to email if you have any questions.

Monday, July 19, 2010


I was busy preparing some items for a session that I am helping to present tomorrow at tech feast and came across this site. I will be sharing what Front Row Audio can do to enhance instruction when you use SMART recorder. I came across this fantastic site that will work really well with the recorder feature. is a site that allows you to take pictures or videos and record your voice over it. They are then shared with friends via email or uploaded to the site. Comments are made about the voice thread and can be done by web cam, typed or recorded. This would be a great tool in the classroom since students would be creating the videos/pictures as well as the comments. The microphone and speaker system from Front Row audio will further enhance this making it a wonderful experience.

Check it out - I listened and watched how to make a voice thread, registered, uploaded a video and recorded comments all in 10 minutes. It is very easy to use.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

SMART Notebook Express - Beta

Did you know that students and parents at home can open notebooks and even create notebooks using a few of the tools in the toolbar? A beta web based version of notebook software has been available for awhile and is very successful in allowing parents and students to view notebooks that you create at home. Now you can link notebooks that are used for teaching to your web site. Students who are sick, or simply need additional review, can see the exact same thing that is being seen and used in the classroom. It does take a few seconds to open and is still in the trial stage. Feel free to contact SMART with any feedback that you have.

Great interactive website

I just found this site that has several interactive games that will work well with the SMART board.

The site includes every subject and is best suited for K-5 or older students with special needs. Check it out!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Wordle and Hide & Reveal is a great site that can be used with notebook. Create a word "cloud" in wordle by typing in your words, pasting in a list from word or typing in a url. Words that are repeated will be larger. Choose randomize to quickly change the look for your wordle. Once your wordle looks the way that you wish, use the screen capture toolbar to capture it and bring it into notebook.

Once it is in notebook you can hide the individual words so they can be revealed using a few different methods. You could choose to hide the individual words by changing your pen to white (or the color of your background) and covering the individual words with ink. They can then be revealed with the eraser.

You could also have each word linked to a page in the file with the definition or any other additional information that you want revealed. To do this, use the screen capture tool to capture each individual word. Be sure to go to "view" on your menu bar, go to zoom and change to 100% so your capture matches the size of the original word. Overlay the captured word and link that object to the page in the file/web site or even sound.

A third way is to create boxes that cover each word filled with the same color as the background. Each box can be animated with object animation in the properties tab to fade out. Thus, when the box is touched, the word is revealed underneath.

Need additional info or help with this? Email me and I will send you a notebook file with examples and step by step directions.

Student Documentation

Teachers are continuously having to provide data and documentation for RtI, 504's and IEP's. Notebook has a simple way to allow you to do this and easily communicate to parents during your meetings.

Any student that needs to have their academic progress documented should have their own notebook. Groups can be created using page grouping that further organize their documentation based on many factors such as their IEP goals or subject. The student's work is transferred to notebook or actually done on the notebook page. If processing is an issue you may choose to record the student finishing an activity using the page recorder.

Each page is automatically named with the date and time it was created. This allows you to see progression or regression as you move through the pages. Pull tabs can also be used to write ancetodals that are pertinent. This can include the student's demeanor as they did the activity or outside forces that may have impacted the outcome. For RtI you may want to include the class average for the assignment to determine if the student needs additional accommodations or modifications.

The notebook can be shared by the teacher or have a student led conference with the student sharing their pages in the notebook. Notebook is a great way for you to supply information to the team and parent.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Hide & Reveal

Hide and Reveal is an easy way to create interactivity in notebook. There are several ways to create a hide and reveal activity. One of the quickest ways is to first change your background color to anything other than white. The second step is to create a long rectangle that is large enough to reveal a sentence of text. Fill the rectangle with a color that is lighter than the background. Lastly, write your text on the page and make it the same color as the background. As you move the rectangle down the page, the sentences are revealed. You can choose to add a handle to the rectangle such as the hand from the graphics folder in the lesson activity toolkit.