Friday, July 16, 2010

Student Documentation

Teachers are continuously having to provide data and documentation for RtI, 504's and IEP's. Notebook has a simple way to allow you to do this and easily communicate to parents during your meetings.

Any student that needs to have their academic progress documented should have their own notebook. Groups can be created using page grouping that further organize their documentation based on many factors such as their IEP goals or subject. The student's work is transferred to notebook or actually done on the notebook page. If processing is an issue you may choose to record the student finishing an activity using the page recorder.

Each page is automatically named with the date and time it was created. This allows you to see progression or regression as you move through the pages. Pull tabs can also be used to write ancetodals that are pertinent. This can include the student's demeanor as they did the activity or outside forces that may have impacted the outcome. For RtI you may want to include the class average for the assignment to determine if the student needs additional accommodations or modifications.

The notebook can be shared by the teacher or have a student led conference with the student sharing their pages in the notebook. Notebook is a great way for you to supply information to the team and parent.

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