Friday, July 22, 2011

Automatic Sound when you enter a Page

In many trainings, I have been asked the question about whether or not you can have a sound byte automatically play when a page is entered and I have answered no. I have just learned that there is a way that you can make that happen. If the MP3 or other sound byte is converted to a SWF or flash sound file, you can embed it onto a page and when the page is opened the sound will begin playing.

The easiest way to do this is by using the website Format Factory. Once you have format factory installed, open the software and on the left hand side under video click on "all to swf."

Secondly, choose "add file" and be sure to change the browse search to "all files" since the default is video and you will be choosing a sound file. Choose the music or sound byte that you wish to play when the page is opened.

Next click on "OK" - this will take you back to the format box where you began. Highlight the sound you selected and click on "Start." The sound will then be converted to an swf. If you click on "output folder," you will see the folder where it was automatically saved as a shockwave flash.

You can now drag and drop the swf file onto a notebook page. The file will look very similar to a video flv and you will have a blue handle at the top to use to move it. Place the file behind another object so it can't be seen by using ordering. The sound will play when you enter the page and stop when the page is exited. A simple way to engage students.

You can also use audacity to record yourself giving directions for a page and convert that to a swf and embed onto the page that the directions are needed. A student can simply page forward and back to repeat the directions if they need them played again.

Good luck! Email me if you have any problems with making this work.

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