Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Using Google Docs

I took a google docs class today and learned a ton of info on how to use it in the classroom as well as using it to help share docs on websites. Most school district websites have space issues and they don't want you uploading a ton of files. This can be tricky if you are trying to share notebooks with families since most of them can be quite large. Google docs is a great way to plow through this problem.

First step - start a google account and log in
Second - Click on "more" and then "documents"
Third - click on the "upload" link and find the notebook that you want to upload. You do NOT want the notebook converted so make sure that both boxes are not clicked.
Fourth - Once the file is uploaded, hover over the file listed in your documents and click on "actions" - choose "share" and then share again.
Fifth - Documents are automatically set as private - change this to public. I chose to share with those having link so the file couldn't be found arbitrarily.
Sixth - Once you click on save, you are then given a URL for the document - copy
Seventh - On your website - highlight the text you want linked and choose to link a URL and paste the address for the doc

That's it! When people click on the link, google will open and they are able to download the file. You don't have to worry about any space being taken up on your school's server. Also, if you use word press you can't attach notebooks so you must do something like this. Lastly, you get 1G of space when you open an account on google. If this isn't enough it costs only $5 per YEAR to have 20G. This would be more than enough to upload every single notebook that you could possibly want to share.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm, this is new from the last time I tried to upload to Google Docs. They used to be fussy about documents that veered from the norm. Good news!
