Monday, April 11, 2011

Kindle & your SMART board

If you have a kindle, did you know you can use it with your SMART board? Students who struggle are often reluctant readers and any time we can bring a new piece of technology into the mix, we can help more students. If you already own a kindle, you can download the free Kindle for PC app (or Kindle for Mac) from Once you have the app on your computer, you can open your Kindle library on your SMART board.

You can interact with the text using Digital Ink Layer, writing notes and capturing them for your students. You can also use tools like the spotlight, screen shade and magnifier to emphasize certain lines of text. If you choose to use the transparent background, you can also place anchor objects, bring in graphics and highlight important text.

Picture books will also show up in full color allowing you to truly bring the experience of reading to the entire class. No more walking around trying to show everyone the picture at the same time.

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